Tamna Odyssey

Paintings from 300 years ago brought to life through media art, Jeju’s colorful spectacle presented by interactive media art
The Story of 12

Meeting of Scottish aerial circus and Korean entertainment, joint performance between Korean entertainment and Scottish aerial dance
Leodo : The Paradise

A traditional fusion performance depicting the journey of a girl caught in a storm to the island of hope, ‘Ieodo’, based on a Jeju folktale.
The Song of the Moon

Traditional convergence performance

Media façade festival unfolding under the moonlight
Other World

Convergence and complex performance
The play of God and humans, Jeju Gud VR

Jeju Gud Workshop recorded as 360-degree VR content with Jeju Island performers and atriums
Dancing Islands : Finding my true self

A record of the time when 12 artists, including dance, music, installation art, and VR video, expressed their art in their own way within the embrace of ‘Jeju’, a natural island where God and nature live and breathe

Immersive Performance Ritual
A land of myth, embracing nature and villages

2017 Jeju Museum of Modern Art Healing Art Festival Exhibition